Arriba/The Real Jerk
OK, I didn't actually dine in these establishments, but we did go to the Taste of Toronto, and they had booths there. Arriba (usually in the Skydome) served this excellent lamb tagine on couscous, a bargain at $3, with lots of chunks of lamb, and The Real Jerk (usually at Queen and Broadview) had good old rice and peas, coleslaw and jerk chicken/pork/oxtail. Yum yum! The Real Jerk folk were really nice, as I kept on coming back to their booth, impatiently waiting for the jerk to be done... luckily though, we then ended up being the first ones to get the meat off the grill! Others had butter chicken from Kama Kama, ribs from Lone Star, and we finished off with lemon coconut squares from... well, I forget which booth actually... yum....
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