Sunday, April 01, 2007

North-East Chinese Restaurant

This is in the basement of one of the stores in Chinatown. I am still not entirely sure how we ended up here... you walk through the plastic drapes to get into the restaurant.... now, this is getting particularly difficult with my 'no red meat to keep you from stumbling' policy, but that's besides the point... certainly, ambience is NOT the forte of any Chinese resto. This was no exception. Now, of all the things we ordered, I didn't eat that much that was on the table: had some of the very spicy tofu (which was tofu fried in chili oil, no special chili sauce or anything), and the vegetable dumplings (which only had chives in them... certainly, there must be SOME better way of doing vegetable dumplings than that! From what I understand, back in the 'home country', most of the Chinese rarely have meat... why can't they do decent vegetarian dishes here???).


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