Monday, May 15, 2006

Ghengis Khan Mongolian Grill

Yessiree... a Mongolian Grill... previously, I'd been to one in Cleveland, but it was suggested to try this one... in case you don't know what this is, a Mongolian Grill is based on the ?legend that Mongolian warriors would cook over campfires on their shields in order to minimize travelling baggage. I believe there is one up in Markham somewhere (unsurprisingly), but the one we went to was up by Celestica at Don Mills and Eg.
Very nice decor; the bathrooms are really nice! Pretty much, you fill up your bowl with various meats, sauce, vegetables and noodles, you bring it over to the chefs who then stirfry your whole meal in a few minutes, and slide in nicely into a bowl. It's nice cause it's fresh.
Another point: This is the place that my cousin played Ghengis himself in their promotional commercials for KTV...


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